In other news, everyone's favorite uncle from Omaha, Warren Buffett, continues to buy corporate bonds as cited here.
Bloomberg news notes that corporations are hoarding more cash than ever before; largely at the expense of stock buybacks.
I first started mentioning concerns about commercial real estate back in February. It has now elevated to Fed chairman Bernanke list of concerns as something he is paying "close attention" to; perhaps signaling a bottom?
The potentially very lucrative business of clearing credit default swaps has attracted many strong competitors. This article highlights that ICE has taken the initial lead over CME/Citadel and Eurex. Hopefully we won't have a BluRay vs HD DVD type battle here.
Return readers will know that the Vix has recently become a cause of concern for me. This article is perhaps a bit more dire with the title "Vix Signals S&P Swoon".
This blog post had me a bit perplexed this morning; it maintains that sub bank spreads are trading better than senior spreads. All the actual individual spreads I am seeing live do not bear this out.
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